Laudato Si’ Week, 21–28 May 2023, celebrates the 8th anniversary of the publication by Pope Francis of his encyclical on Care for our Common Home. The guiding theme this year is “Hope for the Earth. Hope for humanity”.
Pope Francis calls us to develop a “loving awareness” of this home we share and to act on the values we hold dear. (LS 220)
Laudato Si’ Week is an opportunity to celebrate the beauty, diversity, and interconnectedness of all of creation as well as the care of creation initiatives that offer hope for the future of our Common Home.
The film The Letter has been screened twice to audiences in this diocese. If you are interested in screening it in your parish area it is available to view at
At their Spring meeting this year the Irish Bishops encouraged parishes to identify 30% of parish grounds and aim to rewild them by 2030 as a haven for insect pollinators.
If you are considering any capital projects in your parish which would benefit from an eco-friendly approach (solar panels, change in heating systems, etc.), please contact Tom Hansberry at to see if he can assist with information on any grants available.