If a holy day falls on a Thursday, 10.00am Mass is celebrated that day.
Masses live streamed via https://www.mcn.live/Camera/catholic-church-of-the-sacred-heart
Web: www.sacredheartgalway.blogspot.com
Very Rev. Kevin Keenan, PP
Church of the Sacred Heart, Seamus Quirke Road, Galway
T. +353 (0)91 524751
E. sacredheart@parishes.galwaydiocese.ie
Right Rev. Mgr Malachy Hallinan, PE
Parochial House, Church of the Sacred Heart, Seamus Quirke Road, Galway
T. +353 (0)91 522713
Parish Office
Secretary: Bernie Scally
Office hours: Monday, Wednesday & Friday 10:30–13:00
T. +353 (0)91 524305
E: sacredheart@parishes.galwaydiocese.ie
W: www.sacredheartgalway.blogspot.com
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturdays at 5:00pm
Sacrament of Baptism
Every Sunday at 12.30pm (approximately) after 11.30am Mass; or Fridays at 4.00pm.
Scoil Bhríde National School
Shantalla, Galway
Principal: Frank Keane
T: +353 (0)91 525052
E: info@scoilbhrideshantalla.ie