Have you a concern?
If you have a concern in relation to safeguarding of children, please contact our diocesan Designated Liaison Person (DLP) or any of the other agencies listed below.
Ms Aileen Cawley (Diocesan Designated Liaison Person)
M. +353 (0)85 2288047
E. acawley@galwaydiocese.ie
HSE Galway
T. +353 (0)91 546366
HSE Clare
T. +353 (0)65 686 3935
HSE Mayo
T. +353 (0)94 904 2283
TUSLA Child & Family Agency
25 Newcastle Road, Galway
T. +353 (0)91 546235
This page on the TUSLA website gives contact details for every county.
How do I report a concern about a child?
An Garda Síochána
This page on the Garda website gives contact details for each station in Co. Galway.
Emergency Services
T. 999 or 112