'Go and invite everyone to the banquet.'
World Mission Sunday is the Holy Father’s annual appeal to support overseas mission and missionaries. It takes place in every parish worldwide where the Church is present.
For Mission Sunday 2024, Pope Francis has chosen the theme ‘Go and invite everyone to the banquet’. Mission, he said, is a tireless going out to all men and women, in order to invite them to encounter God.
All offerings made on behalf of World Mission Sunday become part of the Holy Father’s Universal Solidarity Fund. This Fund supports
missionary activities in over 1,150 young dioceses; mostly in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. As young dioceses grow, so do their needs. On top of this, they are often found in remote areas devastated by conflict or natural disasters. The Universal Solidarity Fund provides aid so that missionaries can continue to go to these places to share the love of God.
See Missio Ireland for more information.