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Diocese of GalwayKilmacduagh & Kilfenora

Deoise na GaillimheChill Mac Duach & Chill Fhionnúrach

Training for Parish Pastoral Councils & Parish Finance Committees

Published on 07/05/2024


Session One – What it Means to be a Parish 
(Bishop Michael Duignan)

7.00pm–8.30pm Thursday 30th MayMoycullen, Oughterard, Killannin
7.00pm–8.30pm Tuesday 4th JuneGalway City Centre
7.00pm–8.30pm Thursday 6th JuneGalway City East
7.00pm–8.30pm Friday 7th JuneGalway City West
7.00pm–8.30pm Thursday 13th JuneBearna, An Spidéal, Leitirmóir, Rosmuc  
7.00pm–8.30pm Monday 17th JuneKilfenora Deanery
7.00pm–8.30pm Tuesday 18th JuneOranmore, Claregalway, Shrule
7.00pm–8.30pm Wednesday 19th June    Kilmacduagh Deanery

Session Two – What it Means to be a Parish Pastoral Council / Parish Finance Committee 
(Fr Gerard McCarthy SVD et al)

7.00pm–8.30pm Thursday 13th JuneMoycullen, Oughterard, Killannin
7.00pm–8.30pm Tuesday 18th JuneGalway City Centre
7.00pm–8.30pm Wednesday 19th JuneGalway City East
7.00pm–8.30pm Thursday 20th JuneGalway City West
7.00pm–8.30pm Monday 24th JuneBearna, An Spidéal, Leitirmóir, Rosmuc  
 7.00pm–8.30pm Tuesday 25th JuneKilfenora Deanery
7.00pm–8.30pm Wednesday 26th JuneOranmore, Claregalway, Shrule
7.00pm–8.30pm Thursday 27th June    Kilmacduagh Deanery

Session Three – How are Things Going? 
(Bishop Michael Duignan, Fr Gerard McCarthy SVD et al) 

 7.00pm–8.30pm Thursday 3rd OctoberMoycullen, Oughterard, Killannin
7.00pm–8.30pm Monday 14th OctoberGalway City Centre
7.00pm–8.30pm Thursday 24th OctoberGalway City East
 7.00pm–8.30pm Tuesday 8th OctoberGalway City West
7.00pm–8.30pm Tuesday 15th OctoberBearna, An Spidéal, Leitirmóir, Rosmuc  
 7.00pm–8.30pm Wednesday 9th OctoberKilfenora Deanery
7.00pm–8.30pm Wednesday 23rd October:Oranmore, Claregalway, Shrule
7.00pm–8.30pm Thursday 10th October    Kilmacduagh Deanery