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Diocese of GalwayKilmacduagh & Kilfenora

Deoise na GaillimheChill Mac Duach & Chill Fhionnúrach


Cycle Against Suicide: Buddy Club training opportunities

Cycle Against Suicide is working to train and deploy a network of 'Community Buddies' into communities across Ireland. The Community Buddy is a peer-to-peer support programme, centred around a structured but supportive conversation in a safe and non-judgemental space. It allows… Read more...

Galway Interfaith Forum

Galway Interfaith Forum will host a public webinar on 9 June: a dialogue between Christians and Muslims, with special attention to the current situation in Lebanon.

Pope Francis establishes Ministry of Catechist

With the new Apostolic Letter 'Antiquum Minsterium', Pope Francis establishes the lay ministry of catechist, responding to an urgent need for the evangelisation of the modern world.

St Mary's College end-of-year Mass

View St Mary's College end-of-year Mass, held on Thursday 27 May.

Laudato si' Week 2021: 16–25 May

Laudato si' Week 2021 information and events schedule.

Virtual Knock Pilgrimage 2021

Sunday 16 May is the date of our annual diocesan pilgrimage to Knock Shrine. This year it is a virtual pilgrimage: click for details.

Synodal Pathway

A Synodal Pathway for the Catholic Church in Ireland: have your say by 23 May.

55th World Day of Communications

A message from Pope Francis for the 55th World Communications Day, which takes place on Sunday 16 May, the Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord.

Official Prayer of the 2022 World Meeting of Families

The Diocese of Rome and the Dicastery for Laity, Family, and Life has released the Official Prayer of the 2022 World Meeting of Families in Rome.

May 2021: Global prayers for an end to pandemic

Guided by the shrines around the world, all the faithful during the month of May unite in the recitation of the Holy Rosary to ask for the end of the pandemic and the resumption of social and work activities.

Vocations Sunday 25 April 2021

Letter from Pope Francis for World Day of Prayer for Vocations — Good Shepherd Sunday

Trócaire: thanks from South Sudan

A Trócaire thank-you message from Fr James Oyet Latansio, General Secretary, South Sudan Council of Churches

Prayer Guide for Holy Week & Easter

These resources include a note for each day with a Scripture focus, some things to look out for if you are joining in a live broadcast of a liturgy, a short prayer ritual for each day, as well as some ‘to do’ suggestions.

Holy Thursday Reflective Prayer

Celebrate the Light overcoming darkness as we look forward to the hope of resurrection. Zoom hour of reflective prayer from the Chapel of St Columbanus on Holy Thursday evening.

Holy Week & Easter liturgies online

A schedule of online liturgies for Holy Week and Easter in the Galway diocese.

The Living Word at Easter

Christ is Risen! Galway Diocesan Pastoral Outreach Programme, April–May.

RTÉ Religious Programme coverage of Holy Week & Easter

Schedule of RTÉ broadcasts for Holy Week and the Easter Triduum.

The Feast of St Patrick

Saint Patrick’s Breastplate Christ with me, Christ before me, Christ behind me, Christ within me,

Cardinal Tagle delivers annual St Patrick’s College Maynooth Trócaire Lecture

The theme of his address: ‘Caring for the human family and our common home’.